The Story of Us: Documenting and Preserving LGBTQIA Carolina History shares stories of LGBTQIA life at UNC-Chapel Hill. Envisioned and funded by our partners at the Carolina Pride Alum Network (CPAN), the SOHP collected oral histories of LGBTQIA Carolina students, alums, faculty and staff. Launched in 2020, The Story of Us emerged from a collaboration among the SOHP, CPAN, Wilson Special Collections Library, and the Department of Communication at Carolina.

The Southeastern Gay Conference at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Forest Theater
The Story of Us oral histories form the basis of “Queerolina: Experiences of Place and Space through Oral Histories.” This digital exhibition centers around an interactive map that links recordings of oral histories to specific spaces at UNC-Chapel Hill, across North Carolina, and beyond. The exhibit also features digitized materials provided by oral history narrators. Additionally, excerpts from Story of Us oral histories were featured in a performance that premiered on campus in April 2023, brought to life by Carolina actors from Hollywood and Broadway.
The Story of Us continues to grow as Tar Heels contribute their stories.